Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chapter 7

Electronic Messages and Digital Media

Nowadays, the development of technology is increased day by day dramatically. The uses of written messages have been changed into electronic messages in business world. However, there are some written messages that still uses in this era such as :
Business Letters is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. There are two main styles of Business Letters : Full Block style and Modified block style
Interoffice memos :  Paper-based interoffice memos were once the chief form of internal communication .

There are some kinds of electronic messages which are use in business communication :
•Electronic mail (E-mail) :  an information and communications technology.
•Instant messaging : a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet.
•Text messaging : is the act of composing and sending brief, electronic messages between two or more mobile phones, or fixed or portable devices over a phone network.
•Podcats : a digital medium consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.
•Blogs : a Web site with journal entries (posts) written by one person with comments added by others.
•Wikis: a web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others.
•Social networking has grown to become one of the most popular uses of the internet.

There are some important points when making a professional e-mail :

Some tips to use e-mail smartly and safely :
Be concise.
Don’t forward without permission, and beware of long threads.
Acknowledge receipt.
Don’t use company computers for personal matters.
Design your messages effectively
Consider cultural differences.

Instant Messaging and Texting
Beside e-mail, Instant Messaging (IM) also plays a role in business communication. There are some
points that should be remembered while using IM :
a.Don’t use IM or text messages to send confidential or sensitive information
b.Don’t use confusing jargon, slang, and abbreviations.
c.Care about correctness. Proofread!
d.Remember that text messages can be saved.

Creating a Professional Podcast :
Decide whether to record one or a series.
Organize the message.
Choose an extemporaneous or scripted delivery.
Prepare and practice.
Publish and distribute your message.

How to create professional blog?
Identify your audience to make suitable topics of your blog
Craft your message --> provide a fresh and unique information
Make “blogrolling” work for you. --> connect your blog to other link that related with the business
Seek permission --> pay attention to the rules of the company

The main uses of wikis :
Creating a database of information for large audiences. 
Facilitating feedback before and after meetings.
Providing a project management tool. 
Helping document large and small projects, such as providing templates for reports.
How to become a good contributor in wikis?
   •Show respect and watch out for improper or ambiguous languange
   •Don’t post irrelevant, controversial or provocative comment
   •Pay attention to correct grammar and spelling

Social Networking
Tips for using social networking sites :
   •Observe company rules, if they exist.
   •Don’t share information you wouldn’t share openly in the office.
   •Keep your profiles free of risky photos, profanity, and negative comments.

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