Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chapter 6

Revising Business Messages

In making a business messages, you should write iy efficiently. These are some important things that you should concern while revising a business messages :
1. Revising for conciseness :
    - Eliminating Flabby Expression --> use simple word
      For example : Due to the fact that sales are booming, profits are good.
      Revise : Because sales are booming, profits are good.

    - Limiting Long Lead - Ins --> delete unnecessary introductory words
      For example : I am sending you this e-mail to announce that we have hired a new manager
      Revise : We have hired a new manager

    - Dropping Unnecessary there is/ are and it is/was Fillers
      For example : It was our auditor who discovered the theft.
      Revise : Our editor discovered the theft.

   - Rejecting Redundancies
     For example : unexpected surprise → surprise (unexpected carries the same meaning as surprise)

2. Revising for Clarity
   - Keep it short and simple

   - Dumping trite phrases
     For example : as per you request --> As you request

   - Dropping clices and slang

   - Unburrying verbs

   - Controlling Exuberance 
     For example : We totally agree that we actually did not really give his proposal a very fair trial.
     Revise : We agree that we did not give his proposal a fair trial.

3. Designing documents for readibility

- Employing white space
  To increase white space:
•Use headings
•Use bulleted numbers
•Use effective margins

•Improve readibility and comprehension (shortening sentences & paragraphs)
- Understanding margins
  Business letters or memos usually have side margins of 1 to 1 ½ inches.
- Choosing appropriate typefaces

Adding Headings for Visual Impact
The functions are :
Important tool for highlighting information and improving readibility.
Encouraging the writer to group similar material together.
Helping the reader separate major ideas from details.
Enabling a busy reader to skim.

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