Monday, October 20, 2014

Business Communication

Chapter 2
Professionalism : team,meeting, and etiquette

In this chapter, team work becomes the main topic of the discussion. I got some knowledge about how to decide team member, phases to develop a team, characteristics of people with positive behavior, what do employers want, and methods for reaching group decision.

1. Important elements to decide a team members:

    a. Conceptual strength
    b. Communicator
    c. Mass builder
    d. Operation person

2. 4 phases of team development :

    a. Forming
    b. Storming
    c. Norming
    d. Performing

3. Characteristic of people who exhibit positive behavior :

    a. Set rules and abide by them
    b. Analyze tasks and define problems
    c. Contribute information and ideas
    d. Show interest and listen actively
    e. Encourage members to participate
    f.  Synthesize points of agreement

4. Skills which employers want :

    - Proven team skills
    - Strong verbal and written communication skills
    - Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills

5. Methods for reaching group decisions :

    - Majority 》this method is used by taking the majority vote
    - Consensus 》 by lobbying people
    - Minority 》by choosing some people to decide
    - Averaging 》ask for person' commitment and average it to make a decision
    - Authority rule with discussion 》 a person will make a decision after discussing with the subordinates

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