Monday, October 20, 2014

Chapter 4 
Planning Business Messages

Planning Business Messages is important for us to make a systematic writing process. This chapter contains of basic principles of writing, the 3-x-3 writing process, the phases of writing process, the 'you' view, conversational but proffesional language, how teams approach collaborative writing projects, and collaboration tools support team writing.

1. Four Basic Principles of Business Planning

Business Planning is the significant step in business process which can determine the succeed of a business. There are some important things while making a business plan :
a. Purposeful > business writing must have a spesific purpose that you want to reach
b. Persuasive > make sure that your business writing can interest the audiences and make them believe in what you offer to them.
c. Economical > try to make your business writing brief but clear
d. Audience oriented > you must understand audience's point of view so it can be your consideration to make a business plan.

2.  The 3-x-3 writing process

This method can help you to do writing process. The steps of this method are :

It has a proportion for each step :

1) Prewriting > 25% including thinking and planning
2) Writing > 25% including organizing and composing
3) Revising >45% and 5% for proofreading

3. Phases of writing process

a.       Developing audience benefits
b.    Cultivate the 'you' view, for example :
c.       Being conversational but professional
You are insisted on being professional, but if you are too formal, your writing will be boring. So, it's better to use conversational sentences but still polite and professional. Using active voice may seem professional and conversational. For example :
d.      Express everything positively
Expressing everything positively can make your surrounding give positive responds too. Try to use positive words or avoiding negative words such as not.                  

Choosing a neutral word also important in business writing. We must  prevent to use the words that seems racist or discriminate people's sex.
For example :
- It's better to use the word 'office worker' rather than 'office girl' or 'office boy'

How to make a collaborative business writing ??
Collaboration is an impoortant method in doing a project. By working together, our task will be easier and even we can get better result. In this modern era, there are many media that can support us to do this such as e-mail, video conference, wikis, etc

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