Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Chapter 10

Persuasive and Sales Messages

Persuasive skill is one of the important skill in business communication. In business communication, persuasive skills is defined as the ability of business people to make the audiences or target are interested and believe in what you offer to them.In order to develop persuasive skills, you should know some persuasion techniques which are :
a. Establish credibility
b. Make a reasonable and precise request
c. Recognize the power of loss
d. Expect and overcome resistance
e. Share the solutions and compromise

In making persuasive messages, you should understand and aware with the background culture of each country. You should understand high context culture and low context culture to make a precise persuasive messages. 
This table illustrates the difference between low context culture and high context culture.

In low context culture, there are some elements that you need in writing a persuasive message:

 - Directness : state your purpose precisely and directly
 - "You" view : emphasize the individual benefits 
 - Hard sell approach : provide a complete observation such as testimonial, deadlines, promotion, comparison with the competitors, etc
 - Superlative : using superlative word such as highest quality can interact the receivers.
In high context culture, you should pay attention with :
- Politeness
- Simple Facts without any superlatives
- Long term relationship
- Collective view : the use of we is better than you view

Those techniques can help you to make a good persuasive messages. A persuasive message can be considered as a successful message if you can gain attention from the receivers, build interest, reduce resistance, and motivate the receivers to do an action.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chapter 9

Negative Messages

In business, certainly sometimes you face a bad thing so that you must inform others about that bad news. In order to deliver a negative message, you should know two types of format that you should use. They are :
a. Direct format 
- You can use it when the receiver is prefer to use direct information (to the point)
- You can use it when the message is not damaging

b. Indirect format
- You should use it when the news is unexpected
- You should use it if the news can damage customer relationship
- You should use it when the news can trigger negative reaction

The differences of those format :
- Direct strategy format consist of :
      1. Bad News
      2. Reasons
      3. Closing
- Indirect format consist of :
      1. Buffer
      2. Reasons
      3. Bad News
      4. Closing 
   * In this format, in the reason part, try to not stated the negative statement such as refusal. 

Closing part is the essential part of the messages. You should try to make a pleasant closing. 

Chapter 8

Positive Messages

Business Messages can be divided into three types :
- Positive messages : it delivers directly or straightforward response
- Negative messages : it contain a bad news so it delivers indirectly
- Persuasive messages 

Those business messages can be written in several form such as e-mail, memos and letters.
a. E-mail
E-mail is appropriate to send a short messages such as giving information, distributing documents, giving updates, setting an appointment, etc. However, you should remember that sending message via e-mail commonly cannot give a fast response from the receiver. 
b. Memos
Memos still have a great role in workplace. It can be used to give a short information such as announcement, etc. 
c. Letters
As well as Memos, letters also still have a part in business messages in this digital era. This printed media commonly become the most effective way to across the message quickly to all members of an organization or company.   
Both of those examples are the examples of positive messages because the information delivers directly. 

Chapter 7

Electronic Messages and Digital Media

Nowadays, the development of technology is increased day by day dramatically. The uses of written messages have been changed into electronic messages in business world. However, there are some written messages that still uses in this era such as :
Business Letters is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. There are two main styles of Business Letters : Full Block style and Modified block style
Interoffice memos :  Paper-based interoffice memos were once the chief form of internal communication .

There are some kinds of electronic messages which are use in business communication :
•Electronic mail (E-mail) :  an information and communications technology.
•Instant messaging : a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet.
•Text messaging : is the act of composing and sending brief, electronic messages between two or more mobile phones, or fixed or portable devices over a phone network.
•Podcats : a digital medium consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, radio, PDF, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.
•Blogs : a Web site with journal entries (posts) written by one person with comments added by others.
•Wikis: a web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others.
•Social networking has grown to become one of the most popular uses of the internet.

There are some important points when making a professional e-mail :

Some tips to use e-mail smartly and safely :
Be concise.
Don’t forward without permission, and beware of long threads.
Acknowledge receipt.
Don’t use company computers for personal matters.
Design your messages effectively
Consider cultural differences.

Instant Messaging and Texting
Beside e-mail, Instant Messaging (IM) also plays a role in business communication. There are some
points that should be remembered while using IM :
a.Don’t use IM or text messages to send confidential or sensitive information
b.Don’t use confusing jargon, slang, and abbreviations.
c.Care about correctness. Proofread!
d.Remember that text messages can be saved.

Creating a Professional Podcast :
Decide whether to record one or a series.
Organize the message.
Choose an extemporaneous or scripted delivery.
Prepare and practice.
Publish and distribute your message.

How to create professional blog?
Identify your audience to make suitable topics of your blog
Craft your message --> provide a fresh and unique information
Make “blogrolling” work for you. --> connect your blog to other link that related with the business
Seek permission --> pay attention to the rules of the company

The main uses of wikis :
Creating a database of information for large audiences. 
Facilitating feedback before and after meetings.
Providing a project management tool. 
Helping document large and small projects, such as providing templates for reports.
How to become a good contributor in wikis?
   •Show respect and watch out for improper or ambiguous languange
   •Don’t post irrelevant, controversial or provocative comment
   •Pay attention to correct grammar and spelling

Social Networking
Tips for using social networking sites :
   •Observe company rules, if they exist.
   •Don’t share information you wouldn’t share openly in the office.
   •Keep your profiles free of risky photos, profanity, and negative comments.

Chapter 6

Revising Business Messages

In making a business messages, you should write iy efficiently. These are some important things that you should concern while revising a business messages :
1. Revising for conciseness :
    - Eliminating Flabby Expression --> use simple word
      For example : Due to the fact that sales are booming, profits are good.
      Revise : Because sales are booming, profits are good.

    - Limiting Long Lead - Ins --> delete unnecessary introductory words
      For example : I am sending you this e-mail to announce that we have hired a new manager
      Revise : We have hired a new manager

    - Dropping Unnecessary there is/ are and it is/was Fillers
      For example : It was our auditor who discovered the theft.
      Revise : Our editor discovered the theft.

   - Rejecting Redundancies
     For example : unexpected surprise → surprise (unexpected carries the same meaning as surprise)

2. Revising for Clarity
   - Keep it short and simple

   - Dumping trite phrases
     For example : as per you request --> As you request

   - Dropping clices and slang

   - Unburrying verbs

   - Controlling Exuberance 
     For example : We totally agree that we actually did not really give his proposal a very fair trial.
     Revise : We agree that we did not give his proposal a fair trial.

3. Designing documents for readibility

- Employing white space
  To increase white space:
•Use headings
•Use bulleted numbers
•Use effective margins

•Improve readibility and comprehension (shortening sentences & paragraphs)
- Understanding margins
  Business letters or memos usually have side margins of 1 to 1 ½ inches.
- Choosing appropriate typefaces

Adding Headings for Visual Impact
The functions are :
Important tool for highlighting information and improving readibility.
Encouraging the writer to group similar material together.
Helping the reader separate major ideas from details.
Enabling a busy reader to skim.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Chapter 5

Organizing and Writing Business Messages

When making an e-mail you can use Guffrey 3x3 Writing Processes. There are :

There are two outline format to organize the ideas when writing an e-mail :
a. Format for alphanumeric outline
b. Format for decimal outline

You can use audience respons to determine pattern of organization. If you predict the audience respons is pleased, middly interest or neutral, you can use direct pattern to inform them about your information or idea. On the other hand, if you predict audience response will be displeased, dissapointed, and uninterested with your information, you can use indirect pattern. This is the example of direct and indirect pattern :

By using Indirect pattern, you show respect of audience feeling and you can minimizes the negative reaction.

These are some important elements to make a coherent sentence and paragraph: 
- Sustaining the key idea
Dovetailing sentences
- Using pronouns
Including transitional expressions

Monday, October 20, 2014

Chapter 4 
Planning Business Messages

Planning Business Messages is important for us to make a systematic writing process. This chapter contains of basic principles of writing, the 3-x-3 writing process, the phases of writing process, the 'you' view, conversational but proffesional language, how teams approach collaborative writing projects, and collaboration tools support team writing.

1. Four Basic Principles of Business Planning

Business Planning is the significant step in business process which can determine the succeed of a business. There are some important things while making a business plan :
a. Purposeful > business writing must have a spesific purpose that you want to reach
b. Persuasive > make sure that your business writing can interest the audiences and make them believe in what you offer to them.
c. Economical > try to make your business writing brief but clear
d. Audience oriented > you must understand audience's point of view so it can be your consideration to make a business plan.

2.  The 3-x-3 writing process

This method can help you to do writing process. The steps of this method are :

It has a proportion for each step :

1) Prewriting > 25% including thinking and planning
2) Writing > 25% including organizing and composing
3) Revising >45% and 5% for proofreading

3. Phases of writing process

a.       Developing audience benefits
b.    Cultivate the 'you' view, for example :
c.       Being conversational but professional
You are insisted on being professional, but if you are too formal, your writing will be boring. So, it's better to use conversational sentences but still polite and professional. Using active voice may seem professional and conversational. For example :
d.      Express everything positively
Expressing everything positively can make your surrounding give positive responds too. Try to use positive words or avoiding negative words such as not.                  

Choosing a neutral word also important in business writing. We must  prevent to use the words that seems racist or discriminate people's sex.
For example :
- It's better to use the word 'office worker' rather than 'office girl' or 'office boy'

How to make a collaborative business writing ??
Collaboration is an impoortant method in doing a project. By working together, our task will be easier and even we can get better result. In this modern era, there are many media that can support us to do this such as e-mail, video conference, wikis, etc

Chapter 3
Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication is the way people communicate with people who have different culture, ethnic and tradition. This tends to be an importantin thing in communication especially in business communication because if we don't have enough knowledge about other culture, it can give bad impact for our business.

In this chapter, I will discuss about :

1.  Significant trends that can increase intercultural communication :
a. Globalization of markets
    In this globalization era, economic situation also  
    grow globally. For example: Start from 2015, global
    economic will be started. Every people can compete
    freely to work in outside of their country. As the result, intercultural communication is very needed for every people to face the global economic.
b. Advance in technology
In this modern era, technology has been developed dramatically. People can access all information quickly. Even nowadays, internet can become the media to develop a business.
c. Intercultural workforce
Global economic will open wider. It will make a workforce for people to compete with other country's generation.

2. Characteristics of culture
a. Culture is learned
b. culture are inherently logical
c. Culture Is the basis of self identity and community
d. Culture combines the visible and invisible
e. Culture is dynamic

3. The ways to achieve intercultural communication
a. Avoiding ethnocentrism
Enthnocentrism is people attitude that always consider that theirself truth.
b. Showing tolerance
c. Keeping patience

4. Succesful oral communication in intercultural communication :
a. Learn foreign phrases
b. Use simple English
c. Encourage accurate feedback
d. Smile when appropriate

5. Effective Written messages in intercultural communication
a. Avoid ambigous expression
b. Strive for clarity
c. Cite numbers carefully

Business Communication

Chapter 2
Professionalism : team,meeting, and etiquette

In this chapter, team work becomes the main topic of the discussion. I got some knowledge about how to decide team member, phases to develop a team, characteristics of people with positive behavior, what do employers want, and methods for reaching group decision.

1. Important elements to decide a team members:

    a. Conceptual strength
    b. Communicator
    c. Mass builder
    d. Operation person

2. 4 phases of team development :

    a. Forming
    b. Storming
    c. Norming
    d. Performing

3. Characteristic of people who exhibit positive behavior :

    a. Set rules and abide by them
    b. Analyze tasks and define problems
    c. Contribute information and ideas
    d. Show interest and listen actively
    e. Encourage members to participate
    f.  Synthesize points of agreement

4. Skills which employers want :

    - Proven team skills
    - Strong verbal and written communication skills
    - Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills

5. Methods for reaching group decisions :

    - Majority 》this method is used by taking the majority vote
    - Consensus 》 by lobbying people
    - Minority 》by choosing some people to decide
    - Averaging 》ask for person' commitment and average it to make a decision
    - Authority rule with discussion 》 a person will make a decision after discussing with the subordinates

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Business Communication

Session 1
Business Communication

My Goal

      Hello my name is Helen Kurniawati. Now, I'm studying at Binus University majoring in English Language and Literature.  Actually, English Department is not my dream. After I graduated from high school, I want to take medicine faculty, but I can't reach it because of the high tuition fee. I was very sad at that time, but I realize that life must go on and I can't stuck in that phase.  Finally, I chose English Department. Although it's not my main dream, but I must responsible with it. Whatever the difficulties, I should take it because I believe It's God's plan.
      Talking about my goal, actually I haven't choose a certain goal. However, I have some choices. My first interest is working in Marketing Communication division in a multinational company because I like to interact with other people and working outside not behind the desk. Second, I'm also interested to working at HRD or PR division. In order to reach it, I realize that I can't just rely on English. So, I must learn some additional knowledge such as businee, management, etc. Because of this reason I choose business as my stream start from this fifth semester.
       I hope this streaming can help me to get additional knowledge to support my future. However, streaming is not the only media which I will use to get additional knowledge.  I believe that I can become a successful person by always do my best and pray.  One thing that become my motivation is I must make my family proud of me and also make them happy.